The Spiral Way of the Celtic Goddesses:

Wheel of the Year Series

About the 2024 Wheel of the Year Series

Like many earth-honoring spiritual cosmologies, the Celtic Wheel grounds and honors the sacredness of the cyclical nature of our embodied life within an image of wholeness.  It holds a structure of awareness and relationship between the solar and lunar movements of seasonal energies that carry us through each year and through each lifetime.  It grounds and orients our consciousness within this middle world to the needs of the soul, the body, and the heart.

Each point on the wheel occurs roughly every 6 weeks, and is acknowledged with traditional festivals that you may be familiar with.  The Winter and Summer Solstices (Yule and Litha) and Spring and Fall Equinoxes (Ostara and Mabon) are the solar points on the Wheel.  Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh are the cross-quarter, lunar points on the Wheel.  Within the feminine, wise woman Irish tradition of the Seábhean, we recognize each of the eight Goddesses who hold each of these points. 

Each of the Goddesses upon the wheel embodies an archetypal energy that we can be in relationship with during these points of the year, and throughout our lives.  Each offers stories, teachings, gifts, virtues, and intimacy that deepen our connection with the whole of life and the whole of ourselves.

  • Book one session at a time.

    Click Here.

  • Purchase 4 Sessions that can be applied to any 4 sessions this year, for $120.

    After purchasing a package, please be sure to sign up for each individual session (100% discount will be applied with your email).

    Click Here.

In 2024, you are invited to be a part of this honoring of our shared journey upon this ancient path of connection and nourishment.  All backgrounds and genders are welcome, and you may attend any or all of the series according to what moves you.

Each 90 minute gathering will support embodied connection to the gifts and energies of the time, and experiential journeywork and meditation with each Goddess to build your own personal connection with these archetypal movements.