Dani Marsco

Mondays 6:00p Vinyasa


My name is Danielle and I’ve been practicing yoga since 2016. I went to one class and immediately felt the patience and strength, but the ease. This practice led me, like so many others, to a healing comfort but strength within the body and mind.

I completed my 200 RYT through Studio Oxygen in Canfield, OH in 2018. I began teaching throughout the Youngstown, OH area (Sky Studio, Studio Oxygen, and Yoga Element), where I am originally from. I moved to Akron, OH in 2019 and continued my teaching there (at Yoga Bliss, Green) until I arrived in Pittsburgh in 2020!

The classes I teach are based on incorporating power and strength, but balancing with cooling asanas as well where the yin meets the yang. Longer holds are efforts for students to connect mind, body, and breath, while also building power and stability. I like to teach raising self awareness and discovery accompanied with empowerment, grace, and self acceptance for my students.

Once we flow, the connection comes and you go wherever! I look forward to meeting you on the mat!"